Alumni Events 2015

** Alumni Events 2015 **

Helen Chavez 2015 Christmas Party 

In December, Helen Chavez opened her beautiful home to guests at her annual Christmas Party.  Here are the photo’s taken by Kelly Lavik for everyone to enjoy.



Dick Kalman has updated the World Airways History Video.  I think you will find it to be an excellent historical view of World Airways and it’s role in American Aviation History, and the tremendous legacy we all share as members of the “World Airways Family”.

(Click On the Photo)


2015 Bay Area Christmas Luncheon

On Saturday, Dec. 12, the San Francisco Bay Area Christmas Luncheon was held at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Leandro.  Many of our World Alumni gathered to celebrate the Christmas Season, renew their friendship, and most of all …. Wish Everyone a Very Merry Christmas.




“Angels Flying Out of Hell” 

Written by Bette Milleson James

“The Story of the Orphans Journey Home”

Contact the Author @   For Signed Copies

Published by Blueline Publishing


“OperationBabylift – Mission Accomplished”

Written by Regina Aune & Aryn Lockhart

“A Personal Memoir of Operation Babylift”

 Published by Blueline Publishing




SEPTEMBER 20-23, 2015

(Photos Courtesy of Nancy Peppin, Liz Ayala, Valerie Fulton, Joe Cashes and Gene Vinita)



JUNE 20, 2015

Everyone attending, including 99 year old Captain Ken Healy, enjoyed a relaxing luncheon on Saturday, June 20, at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Leandro.  Just click on the arrows to advance the slides and enjoy the show…..



Barbara Paresi, the Author and Producer of previous World Airways Videos is currently working on another 40th Anniversary Production describing that event in our history.  She has provided us a link to the previous “Operation BabyLift” Documentary video and we anticipate the release of her new video soon. 

Click Here

(Sound On)



Click Here

The Gerald R. Ford Museum in Grand Rapids, MI, has added an Exhibit and Web Page to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of “Operation BabyLift”.

Ms. Bettina Cousineau is the Project Manager for the Museum and has provided the link to the web page.




ABC News – April 2, 2015

Click Here  (There’s an Ad at the Start)


World Airways Project for the Oakland Aviation Museum

Visit the Oakland Aviation Museum:  Click Here

Sarah Schaefer is the Project Manager for the World Airways Project at the Oakland Aviation Museum ……

and Sarah needs your help.  Sarah’s project involves inventorying, cataloging, and digitizing the Edward J. Daly Foundation Collection and the World Airways Memorabilia Collection, which are currently on loan to the Oakland Aviation Museum.  In addition to managing the two collections, her project will include a complete overhaul of the World Airways exhibit at museum.  Her plan will create a collaboration between the Oakland Aviation Museum, The Edward J. Daly Foundation, John F. Kennedy University’s Museum Studies Program, and the U. C. Davis design students. 

In the coming months, Sarah needs help identifying people in pictures, identifying historical objects, authenticating facts, and documenting stories that give a personal insights into the history of World Airways.

If you would like to donate or loan items to the museum for this project please contact Sarah Schaefer at sarahschaefer16@gmail.comIt is possible she may already have some items people would like to donate, so it would be very helpful if you contact Sarah first before sending anything to the museum. 

Also, and most important, people in the area who would like to volunteer to help with the project should contact Sara at to find out when, where, and what help is needed.

Currently Sarah is finishing the collections inventory and next month will begin scanning and photographing everything in the collections, a process that will continue through August.  Help is needed in identifying people in photos and corroborating and/or expanding on stories.  For the very interested, she may also need to consistent on site help with the digitization process. 

The exhibit class at U.C. Davis is just starting to develop potential themes and content for the exhibit, a process that will continue through June, when the exhibit will be finalized, fabricated and installed through the months of July and August.  Sarah might need help with ideas, expanding content, and verifying facts throughout the process.  One example, Sarah already knows the class would like to know what “catchphrases” World Airways used during its 60+ years that to this day stick with past employees, and really define World Airways as an organization. These catchphrase could be things like, “The airline that’s so good, they named the whole planet after it” or “Perfection not Correction.” 

If you would like to get involved with this historical project please contact: Sarah Schaefer at


Welcome Baby Ellaina 

Fred Cayago’s New GrandDaughter


1 Ex-WOA Instructor + 1 Ex-WOA Evaluator + 1 Ex-WOA Pilot = 1 New B-737 Rating

Melanie Peek Rogan Enjoy’s a Celebration Dinner with Gib Minor and Sean Crotty …. Congratulations Melanie!


 A Celebration of the Life of Joy Erickson

Joy Erickson’s Family and many of Joy’s friends and collegue’s from her “World Airways Family” gathered at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Leandro on Saturday, March 14, to honor and celebrate her wonderful life.  The event, organized by her Daughter Amy, and Joy’s Sister, Sue Allison, was a time to pay tribute to Joy and to recall all of the wonderful stories and events in her life.  As a person dedicated to many humanitarian efforts throughout her career, Joy was honored as a wonderful and caring person full of love and concern for others.  We are all saddened at Joy’s recent and unexpected departure on her Final Flight, and all who came in contact with her will greatly miss her infectious smile and magnetic personality.   She was a friend to us all. 

(Photos Provided by Stan Graybush)


Captain Ken Healy’s 99th Birthday Party

A crowd gathered at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Leandro to celebrate Ken’s 99th birthday.  It was unfortunate that Ken could not be there in person due to his recovering from a recent surgery, but those in attendance had a great time and celebrated for him.  The event was organized by Captain Warren Vest and his wife Ingrid.  If you attended and want to send Ken a birthday message or if you couldn’t attend but want to wish Ken a Happy Birthday just use the Comments section below.   


Photos Provided by Dick Kalman


One thought on “Alumni Events – 2015”

    1. Joe Hrezo   
      Dear Captain Healy,
      A Happy Belated Birthday to a very brave man and super pilot. May God and good health continue to shine on you and by the way thanks for getting me back on the 727 at Danang. The wife and I are now living in Jupiter, FL.
      Best Regards,
      Joe Hrezo

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