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Larry Jordan DC-10/MD-11 Captain (Retired)
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Jim Reese
I just figured out why I’m not getting any email lately. My new email is
The woa email list shows my address as jameswoaret36@gmail.comYou had it right on the message i last sent but somehow the ret slipped in thereThanks for making the change
YourDalyBread Post author
Jim, thanks for catching the error on the website listing. I made the change to on there and I’ll also check the email listing I use for sending out messages to everyone just to make sure I have it correct there. Hope all is well in Utah and hope to see you at the Vegas reunion this year. ↓-
YourDalyBread Post author
Jim, I checked my other email listing and I have there so you should get any group emails I send out. Also, sorry about the “Utah” comment, I should know it’s Idaho. ↓
Jim Reese
Please change my email address. I had so many scammers this seemed to be the only way to get rid of (NEW)Thanks↓
Larry,Many thanks for all the effort and time you put into running the site and keeping the worldwide(!) ‘WO Family’ connected!I have, I hope(?), a simple question, namely
What was the tail number of the B727 that operated the now famous last flight of Danang? And maybe the tail number of the other B727 that flew in formation to assess damage, etc!Looking forward to hearing from you,
Graham Baker
Cleburne, Tex@$$!↓
Graham Baker
Hi Larry,Minor item but I now live in Cleburne, Texas!And many, many thanks for keeping the ‘flock’ together thru the website!
graham Baker↓-
YourDalyBread Post author
Graham, I made the change to Cleburne on the email listing. Thanks for letting me know about it. I’ve been going through trying to make sure the listing is up to date but I often don’t have current information unless someone goes into the new “MailChimp” messaging system and provides an update.Have a great week…. ↓
Jean Wiseman
what do I select to put up a post? had a flite with Muhammad Ali ↓-
YourDalyBread Post author
Jean, just go to the bottom of the Home Page where you will find a title “Leave a Reply”. Write your post in the box and then fill in the blanks for “Name”, “Email”, and “Website”, and then select “Post Comment”. Your message will be routed to me for approval and when I then approve it you will find it in the Alumni Posts Page found under the Alumni News Page. If you have any problems just let me know and I’ll help you through the process. ↓
James Reese
Hi Larry:
Did anyone take pictures at the Las Vegas Reunion? I did not make it. I would like to view any pictures of the WOA group that made it. I live near Nampa, Id. and the first Tuesday of every month at the War Hawk museum approximately 125/140 ex. military members meet for coffee and donuts. It’s amazing how many ex Viet Nam Veterans are showing up and wearing ball caps with Viet Nam Vet slogans on them. Twenty years ago no one wanted to be associated with the Viet Nam war. They are coming out of the closets now any are proud to have been a part of the history. Going to the meeting monthly is a high lite for me. I joined the Navy during the Korean conflict, but I consider myself a” Viet Nam Vet” On one of the meetings our guest speaker was 3 star General Smith from Mountain Home Air Base. He said that when we were flying into Viet Nam with WOA under a DOD contract we qualified as a Vietnam Veteran.
I really miss my WOA family, but not the constant flying all over the world. I have my youngest Son living here in Boise and I am able to participate in family affairs with Family and Grand Kids.Thanks for keeping up the web site.Regards
Jim Reese↓-
YourDalyBread Post author
Howdy Jim.The pictures from the Las Vegas reunion are on the Alumni News Page in a slide show format. All you need to do is click on the Alumni News tab and go down to the title Las Vegas Reunion and then click on the right side of the picture of Lyman and it will bring up the next slide. There are over a hundred of them, most with captions. Nancy Pippin, Joe Cashes, Gene Venita and Liz Ayala were good enough to send the photos they took. I didn’t get to go either, had to cancel at the last minute due to a medical issue, but I plan on making the next one for sure.It sounds like you have quite a gathering with the Vets, and it’s great to be close the grandkids, I’m kept pretty busy chasing my two around to ball games and dance recitals, etc. Nobody told me I’d need a scheduler in retirement.Have a great week my friend ….. ↓
Mary Sheron
I recently participated in a panel discussion of VN vets (and me) at two different community meetings. It was on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the TET offensive. Whenever the war is discussed, I say I was there but not a veteran. Is there any way to check out the information that Jim Reese was given by General Smith that we can consider ourselves VN vets. I would love to know just for clarification, not for benefits. Who would we ask?Thanks,
Mary Esser Sheron↓
Hope this is the right format to send this information.
Bill Addy died last night in his sleep of an apparent heart attach. Just spoke with Marci Fogg who wanted me to send this information to you for the alumni website.Bill had several strokes over the past two years but was doing well, living in a lovely facility in San Francisco. Several of us had been in touch with him very recently and he seemed well, memory good and the only residual problem from the strokes was the ability to walk well without a walker. The information of his death last night comes as a shock to all of us who were in contact with him.
Will forward any additional information as soon as it becomes available